How to Register for Events

To register for any AEU SA activity, sign into the AEU website or create a member account.

To create or reactivate an account below are the steps:

  1. Click sign in (top right corner of the webpage)
  2. Click forgot password (even if you don't have an account) and follow the prompts.
  3. Once you have a member account, a 'register myself' button will appear at the bottom of the event page.
  4. Click 'register myself' and 'proceed to checkout'. You must complete 'checkout' for your registration to be complete - even with free training and events.
  5. Click submit order and you will receive a confirmation email to the email address you created your account with.

You can refer to our guide which provides visual step-by-step information on how to create your member account and register for events using AEU SA's new system: Click this link to download the guide
Currently AEU SA is undergoing a system transition and the above registration method is now preferred. Alternatively contact AEU SA Training unit and we can assist you with your event registration, [email protected].